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HVAC To-Do List for Spring 2021

March 12th, 2021 by alexys

HVAC To-Do List for Spring 2021

After a long cold winter, most of us are looking forward to the springtime. While you might be ready to get outside and have some outdoor fun, it’s important that you think about the necessary maintenance tasks that need to be completed around your home. When it comes to your HVAC system, many essential tasks need to be accomplished.

Clean Off Your Condenser Unit

Your HVAC system has an outdoor condenser unit. This unit has many fins on the side that help conducts the airflow throughout your system. Over time, the snow and windy weather can cause loose debris to end up in these fins. When loose debris like leaves and branches block the air fins, your HVAC system cannot work at its optimal. It’s a good idea to turn off the condenser unit and clean it out. If any of your bushes or shrubs are too close to the unit, trim them back. You want to have a good foot or two of space around your condenser unit to ensure that it’s working correctly throughout the coming months.

Get Those Filters Checked

At the start of spring, it’s a good idea to check the state of your HVAC filters. To properly test your filter, you want to remove it and hold it up to the light. If you can see through your filter, then it’s still in good condition. If you cannot see through your filter, then it will need to be replaced. It’s important to replace this filter as soon as it becomes clogged, as it can decrease your HVAC system’s efficiency and the quality of your indoor air.

Program Your Thermostat

It’s time to get your thermostat pre-programmed and ready to go for the upcoming months. It’s a good idea to pay close attention to the various times that you have your system on that you shouldn’t. For example, it’s a good idea to turn your air conditioner settings to a higher temperature when you know that no one will be home. This will help to save you money on energy costs.

Switch The Blade Direction On Your Ceiling Fans

If you’re one of those savvy homeowners who use ceiling fans to help with your home’s heating and cooling, it’s time to switch the direction of your fan blades. In the wintertime, the fan blades are directed in a downward motion. This forces the warm air at the top of the room down towards you. As the warmer months roll around, you’ll want to change the fan blades’ direction to force the air in an upward direction. This pushes the warm air towards the top of the room and away from you.

Call Us Today
Getting your HVAC system checked over by a professional in the springtime is a great way to ensure that you are prepared for the warmer months ahead. If you’re ready for your HVAC tune-up, give us a call today.