How Often Should You Schedule a Duct Cleaning?
September 8th, 2015 by Darwilladmin

Indoor air pollutants and where they come from
Indoor air pollution is a growing problem. It’s a big concern for many homeowners like you. You must install, clean, and maintain your heating and cooling ducts. This helps to avoid the buildup of harmful allergens like dust, pollen and debris. Microbiological growth like mold can increase over time. These spores that can get into your home, especially in the bedrooms, kitchens, and other areas. Allergic reactions and other symptoms can occur during exposure.
Have Regular Duct Cleaning Done Every 3 to 5 Years
Hiring a professional skilled in heating and cooling duct cleaning is a must. A licensed HVAC contractor does the job right the first time, every time. You should have your ducts cleaned every three to five years by a contractor who is experience in this area. Ask for references and check their background. make sure they’re licensed and have been in business for many years. Any contractor who suggests you should clean your ducts more often than that may be scamming you.
Other times to get your ducts cleaned include:
- When you move into a new home. This is unless you have proof that the former homeowner cleaned the ducts within the past few years.
- After building a new home or having significant construction and remodeling done. This is because drywall dust can build up within the ducts during that time.
- If you have pets. This is because pets tend to shed a lot of fur and dander, which can also cause a build up in your ducts.
- If you can’t remember the last time you got your ducts cleaned! If you suspect it’s been at least five years, call a qualified HVAC professional.
- If you or your family members suffer from allergies or asthma.
- If you get frequent headaches or experience itchy eyes and nausea while at home.
Why Duct Cleaning is Necessary
- Moisture
- Nutrients (dirt, dust, pet dander, cellulose construction debris)
- Surface on which to grow
Choosing a Qualified Contractor
The search for a reputable and experienced HVAC contractor can seem daunting. But when you hire Thornton Heating Service, you get peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a thorough duct cleaning at 847-905-1608. Check out our duct cleaning page to learn more.