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MERV Rating

Living in a house with dust and viruses circulating around the air can make you and your family sick. If you want to determine the efficiency of your air filter, look at the MERV rating. A MERV rating stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. This determines how well your air filter traps pollutants, dust, and […]

Heater Maintenance

Did your heater working in the middle of icy weather? Don’t panic! Yes, it should concern you. But letting yourself get overwhelmed with your emotions won’t help in your situation. We recommend checking and maintaining your HVAC system before winter hits. Sometimes, you can predict when these scenarios will happen. In case your heater stops […]

Furnace and Boiler Difference

Furnace? Boiler? Same difference, right? Wrong. They’re not the same thing, and they have different names for a reason. But what does it matter, you ask, as long as they keep the house warm? Well, it’s useful to know these things in case you encounter any issues with your heating system and need to do […]

HVAC Repair

There are some things you need to consider before buying an HVAC system for your home. Your home is an important investment. You have to consider the things in it. This includes the long term usage to keep your family comfortable. To make sure that you get the best among the rest, consider these questions […]

Smart Thermostat

Why do we need to upgrade our thermostats? What are the benefits that we can get if we do so? How does a programmable thermostat help us save a lot? As we know, thermostats have a very important role in our HVAC system. Aside from regulating the temperature, it also maintains it to our desired […]