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How to Manage Air Pollutants in Your Home

August 19th, 2021 by cverdone

How To Manage Air Pollutants In Your Home
Air pollution is risky to the health of you and your family. It can cause many health problems. This is due to the dust, bacteria, and mold build-up in your home. This is why you need many strategies to manage air pollution and keep your home safe.

Open Your Windows Often

Proper ventilation improves air quality. Plus, it reduces pollutants that cause air pollution. You may want to close windows during the cold season. You should not keep them locked all day. Open the windows often to let fresh air in. If you do not have enough windows in your home, add more and bigger windows to improve ventilation.

Ban Smoking

If you have a family member who smokes, stop them from smoking while at home. Cigarette smoke is a pollutant that can lower air quality. It also causes breathing difficulty and other respiratory issues. If you smell cigarettes in your home, open all doors and windows until the smell clears. Remember, smoke can cause long-life health conditions. This includes cancer and heart attack, among other severe health challenges.

Clean Rugs and Carpet Often

Rugs and carpets collect too much dust and dirt. This can interfere with the air quality. If you use dirty rugs, you will experience air quality changes. This can affect your family’s health. It is vital that you wash your rugs and carpets often. You should do this twice every month. It also depends on the amount of dirt that has built-up. If you live close to the road, you need to wash the rugs and carpets more than someone who lives away from the road.

Bath Your Pets and Keep them Out of Your Bedroom

Pets can cause allergic reactions for some of your family members. You need to be careful if you want to see improved air quality in your home. First, keep them away from your bedroom. Bathe them often to reduce air pollution. Change and wash their beddings at least two or three times each week. This helps to reduce allergic reactions. Do not forget to clean the floors after removing pets’ beddings. Let the flow dry off well before spreading the pet’s beddings.

Change your Air filter

The air filters in your HVAC system get dirty over time. This is a common air pollutant that many homes face. Changing your filters improve air quality. Plus, they make your home more comfortable. If you notice other issues with your HVAC, contact your HVAC professional. They can help you check and fix the unit and pollutant issue.

Call Us Today

Have you been wondering how to keep your home clean and free from any air pollutant? Get in touch with your HVAC professional. They can help you maintain a clean environment and reduce air pollution. Call us today for more information about keeping quality air in your home.