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Why You Should Install a Smart Thermostat

July 23rd, 2020 by cverdone

Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats are changing the way people enjoy comfort in their homes. Like other types of technology, smart thermostats use a mobile device. This means that your smartphone, tablet, or smart speaker can control your thermostat. Not only are these easy to control but they provide many benefits to homeowners.

Preset Time Settings

One of the best features of smart thermostats is they can set a specific temperature for a specific time. For example, in the summertime, you don’t need to have the air conditioner running all day when no one is home. That is a waste of energy that will cost you money. You can preset your thermostat to a desired temperature 30 minutes before you get home. That way your home is comfortable when you arrive. You can even present your thermostat based on the days of the week. If you spend more time at home on the weekends than on weekdays, this can help.

Reduced Energy Costs

A smart thermostat tracks your energy needs for the temperature in your home. You can program your thermostat to be on only when you need it. Doing this can save you a bundle in not having to run the system when you don’t. Many smart thermostats even come with recommendations based on your habits. They tell you how to save more energy and money from month to month.

Access Anywhere

The largest benefit of smart thermostats is that you can access them if you have Internet. This is so convenient for times when plans change. You may decide to come home from work early and want the air conditioner on. Or, you may decide to go out to dinner. You may want to hold off turning the temperature down until you’re closer to home. One touch of your smart thermostat control and you can change the temperature in your home.

Better Track Your Energy Usage

Smart thermostats provide you with data about your energy usage. This allows you to see where most of your energy costs are coming from. It can provide you with a clear idea of how you’re going to reduce that usage. Many smart thermostats will provide you with convenient graphs. These can allow you to analyze your energy usage at the push of a button.

Call Us Today

If you think a smart thermostat would help you, call Thornton Heating Service. One of our trained technicians can come out and install your very own smart thermostat. They’ll even show you exactly how to use it so that you can receive all the benefits outlined above.