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Top Fall Air Quality Problems and How To Solve Them

September 23rd, 2021 by cverdone

Top Fall Air Quality Problems and How To Solve Them
When the fall season rolls around, your family spends more time indoors keeping warm. With your windows and doors shut more, it creates more unwanted air pollutants. Understand the reasons for poor indoor air quality in the fall. This allows you to prevent these from happening in your home.

Temperature Fluctuations

The fall season is when you may see cold mornings and warm evenings. This has you switching between heat and air on a constant basis. This can cause your HVAC system to overwork. This leads to subpar indoor air quality.

Poor Air Circulation

Fall causes an increase in dust mites. This makes it more important to pay attention to the air quality in your home. Poor air circulation can wreak havoc on the quality of your air. A build-up of materials like dust and debris in your ductwork causes a lack of circulation.

High Humidity Levels

Humidity levels can increase in the fall months. This leads to mold growth and respiratory issues. It can also make your home feel warmer than it actually is. When it’s humid, the sweat on your body doesn’t completely evaporate. This leads to a sticky and clammy feeling on your skin.

Increased Airborne Contaminants

The fall season brings breezy weather. With it comes more airborne contaminants. These will find their way inside of your home. There are higher levels of pollen and other allergens. This can mean allergy flare-ups for your entire family.

Prevention Tips

One of the best ways to prevent against poor indoor air quality is by using a great filter for your HVAC system. If your family members have seasonal allergies, it’s best to use a HEPA filter. This filter removes 99.97% of all indoor air pollutants from your home. Make sure to change your filter every couple of months.
If you still have issues with your indoor air quality, consider a whole-home air purifier. This takes air filtering to the next level. It hooks right onto your existing HVAC system. An air purifier will provide an added bonus to your home. It removes more harmful particles like pet dander, pollen, and mold spores.

Contact Us Today

Make sure that your home has great indoor air quality during the fall months. You can rely on our HVAC professionals. We listen to your needs and check your home’s indoor air quality. We can provide you with great solutions that meet your needs. Contact our HVAC professionals today to get the help that you need with your indoor air quality.