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Archive for the ‘Furnace Repair’ Category

HVAC tech inspecting the inside of a unit.

In the depths of winter, your furnace can develop quite the personality. This may be exhibited by mysterious bumps and rattles at night, which may be signs of trouble. Considering the cold temperatures, the last thing you want is a broken or non-functioning furnace. While many homeowners reach for their toolbox at the first sign […]

Technician inspecting home furnace.

Most homeowners take their major appliances for granted. One example is the furnace and its important heating function. You want your furnace to do its job, but you probably only spend a little time thinking about it or looking at how old it may be. You may be throwing money out the window and paying […]

Technician unscrewing a panel from a home furnace.

If your furnace briefly smells like burning the first time you turn it on in the fall, you’re experiencing a normal event. However, if this smell doesn’t go away within the first hour or two, it’s important to contact a furnace maintenance company. Failure to do so could result in an electrical fire, so be […]

Leaking Furnace

In the winter, a working furnace is a necessity to keep you and your family safe from the cold winter weather. Unfortunately, furnaces don’t last forever without having problems here and there. When you notice an issue with your furnace, it’s best to get it assessed by a professional before it gets any worse. Culprits […]

History of the Furnace

  You may not think much about your furnace as works throughout the winter to keep you comfortable. But that big hulking unit in your basement has a diverse history, one that goes back centuries. You may have the most modern, bells-and-whistles, energy-efficient model on the market today. Have you ever thought about the history […]

Fixing Gas Furnace


When it comes to your furnace, you can’t be too careful. With regular upkeep and maintenance, you can make sure your furnace stays working. You want it to give you long-lasting service through the colder months. Starting now will ensure your furnace is ready to go when you need it.
