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New Air Conditioner


It’s summer and that means it is time for air conditioning. Lately there have been some problems with the way your central air system runs. Sometimes, it’s difficult to know when to spend money on another repair and when it’s time to buy a new unit. Here are some reasons to decide that a new unit is what you need.

Reason #1: Old Age

Air conditioners older than 10 years are less efficient than their newer counterparts. They may be costing you more on your utility bills than a new unit would cost over time. An Energy Star-rated unit can save you up to 30% on your cooling costs every year.

Reason #2: Frequent Repairs

If you have had repairs done but the unit still doesn’t work, a new unit may be best. If a technician is telling you that you need costly repairs for it to work, a new unit will give you peace of mind. We guarantee that you won’t be paying for one repair after another.


Furnace efficiency tips


Did you know that there are things you can do to improve the efficiency of your furnace? Take steps to help your furnace work better. They will cause it to use less fuel and electricity to run. It will save you money during winter heating season.
Here are Top 5 Furnace Efficiency Tips for a more efficient furnace.

1) Change the furnace filter at recommended intervals

You will need to change a furnace filter every 30 days, or about once a month. Some replaceable filters last up to 90 days. Whole home air filters may only need changing every six months to a year. Running your furnace with a dirty filter circulates dirty air through your home. It also causes your entire system to work harder to move the air, making it more costly to operate.
