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How To Test, Measure, and Improve Indoor Air Quality

July 22nd, 2021 by cverdone

How To Test, Measure, and Improve Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air quality may not be a concern until you run into a problem. When you have poor indoor air quality, you’ll notice your allergies are more severe when at home. If you have an upper respiratory illness, you have more symptoms when your indoor air quality is low.

How to Measure Indoor Air Quality

Now, you know the importance of good indoor air quality. You might wonder what affects your indoor air quality. The reality is that you can measure your indoor air quality. This determines if you need to improve areas. To test your indoor air quality, you’ll need a VOC sensor.
This sensor will show the levels of VOCs in the air. VOCs, volatile organic compounds, are the main causes of poor indoor air quality. When you use the sensor, it will show the levels of VOCs in your home.
You should also use a carbon dioxide meter. This measures the amount of CO2 that is in the air where the meter is. Carbon dioxide can be dangerous in high levels. Both of these sensors should be on the walls in high traffic rooms. Try to keep them out of direct sunlight and away from any induction units to ensure an accurate reading.

Interpreting Your Results

You may want to interpret the results that the sensors and meters give. That’s not always possible. As of right now, there are no official standards for indoor air quality levels. It’s best to have your local health agency assess the results of your indoor air quality tests. They can alert you of dangerous levels of pollutants inside of your home’s HVAC system.

Tips for Enhancing Your Indoor Air Quality

One of the best things that you can do to enhance your indoor air quality is to have an air purifier installed. If you have an HVAC system, you’ll need to ask an HVAC professional to install a purifier in your ductwork. This purifier will remove pollutants from your indoor air to improve the air quality in of your home.
Another great way to enhance indoor air quality is to open your windows often. Having a nice breeze blowing through your home can remove pollutants from the air in your home. Even running indoor fans can help to change pollutant levels.

Contact Our HVAC Professionals

If your indoor air quality is not great, it’s time to call in our HVAC professionals. We can check for pollutants in your home. We will make recommendations to improve your indoor air quality. We know HVAC systems inside and out. You can rely on us to set your home HVAC system up for quality indoor air disbursement.