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Why Indoor Air Quality Matters

December 3rd, 2015 by Darwilladmin

Health issues from poor air quality


Keep your ducts and HVAC vents clean to keep your family comfortable, healthy, and safe. Change the filters in your AC and heating units and have the ductwork cleaned often. Make sure that the system is efficient. These can all lead to better indoor air quality. This helps everyone breathe easy. Let’s take a look at some ways in which indoor air quality matters.


Promoting cleaner airflow can reduce the prevalence of allergens in the air. This component is especially critical for those who suffer from allergies and asthma. Outside air pollutants can get in through open windows and doors. They pose a safety risk over time for the household. The CPSC says those outdoor pollutants can cause health and comfort issues.

Health Problems

The quality of indoor air inside offices, schools, and homes can affect comfort and health. According to OSHA, poor indoor air quality has led to many symptoms. These include headaches, fatigue, and concentration issues. Irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs is also a common symptom. In fact, even some chronic diseases are often tied to air contaminant. Asthma in those who live within damp indoor environments is most common. Substances such as radon and asbestos can remain within a structure undetected. Unsuspecting family members or employees can breathe these in and become sick. The effects of these contaminants are often not found until years after exposure.

Poor Ventilation

Poor ventilation can come from problems with controlling temperature and humidity levels. Remodeling, construction sites, mold, cleaning supplies and vehicle emissions can all cause this. Your indoor air quality may vary by where you live. If you live near a highway or a big construction site, your access to quality air will be lower. Unfortunately, we can’t always control these outside factors. We must do what we can to ensure good indoor air quality. How you care for your home as well as the right forms of ventilation can go a long way towards improving your air. Here are some other tips:
  • Clean often, especially if you have pets. Regardless of pets, regular dusting and vacuuming will keep allergens at bay. Dust mites, pollen, mold and pet dander are the most common. For best results, use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
  • Use microfiber mops for hardwood and tile surfaces. These capture more dust and dirt than traditional fibers, according to WebMD.
  • Maintain optimal humidity levels for your home. It’s important to keep the humidity level between 30 and 50 percent. Dust mites and mold thrive in moisture. For moist environments, such as basements, use a dehumidifier. These help to control allergens and reduce moisture.
  • Make sure your dryer vents are clear and unobstructed.
  • Avoid smoking in the home. One of the biggest contributors to indoor air pollution is secondhand cigarette smoke. This can increase ear and respiratory infections, asthma and cancer in children.
  • Hire a professional to service, clean and maintain your HVAC units, vents and ductwork.

Call Thornton Heating Service today at 847-905-1608 for more tips. Schedule duct cleaning with us today. We can help keep your home safe for your family!