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Tips To Stay Energy Efficient This Summer

June 17th, 2021 by cverdone

Tips to Stay Energy Efficient This Summer
Nothing beats the feeling of enjoying cool temperatures over the summer. The temperatures outside starts to heat up, and you’ll turn on your HVAC system. You have to make a decision: what temperature is ideal for your HVAC this summer?
A temperature of between 72 to 78 degrees is best for most homes. But, it depends on many factors. Energy costs, preferences, and how long it can maintain temperature are the big ones. You can also stay energy efficient by adjusting your HVAC system at different times of the day. For instance, you can set your HVAC at 78 degrees while you’re in the house. You can also set it at 82 degrees while sleeping, and 85 degrees when you’re away.
You don’t have to be a professional to understand temperature regulation this summer. If you find it hard to stay energy efficient this summer, here are some energy efficient tips.

Energy Efficient Ventilation

Most people are often concerned with keeping their homes airtight. Keeping air from entering and leaving the house might be energy efficient. An HVAC professional knows that this affects the temperature and indoor air quality. This is because dander, dust, and other air pollutants are often left inside.
You can keep your home comfortable without sacrificing energy efficiency and air quality. You don’t have to turn on your HVAC 24 hours a day. Natural ventilation doesn’t need energy consumption through fans. With this, you can save up to 50% of your energy costs. You can open the windows to let in a cool breeze during the mornings and evenings.
There are two types of energy efficient ventilation systems: wind-driven and buoyancy-driven. Make sure you consult your HVAC professional before making some changes.

Energy Efficient Sealing and Insulation

Insulation minimizes the exchange of heat through ducts, roofs, and walls. Sealing and insulation allows less cool air to escape from the house during summer. It also lets less warm air out during the cold season. You don’t have to turn on your HVAC for long, which is 15% more energy efficient.
Consider sealing and insulating your home as part of your next remodeling project. You can go for blown-in Insulation, batts, foam boards, or spray foam. The best way to know if you need sealing and insulation is to consult an HVAC professional.

Service Your HVAC System

Having your HVAC serviced is as vital as changing oil for your car. Your HVAC professional will identify worn-out parts. This will be cheaper than dealing with a significant repair. When your HVAC is dirty or worn out, it becomes less energy efficient. This means an increase in electricity bills.
Set aside some money for regular maintenance with an HVAC professional. Your HVAC professional might recommend energy efficient upgrades that could save you money.
Also, consider turning off appliances that generate heat when not in use. Fitting ceiling or portable fans are also a great way to stay cool for less money.

Call Us Today

Being energy efficient isn’t only something to think about in the summer. These energy efficient tips will keep your home comfortable and help save you money. Do you need to learn more about temperature and energy efficient HVAC this summer? Feel free to contact us to get advice from our HVAC professionals.